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Mental Health Evaluations:
Psychological Mental Health Evaluations are often requested by attorneys, Guardian-Ad-Litems or ordered by the court. You will meet with a License Mental Health Professional for an intake, psychological testing, and a structured interview reviewing the various aspects of your life. After this interview, a written summary with recommendations for treatment based on the needs of the case will be created and released to your attorney, assigned case worker, probation officer etc. with your written permission.
How Can We Help?
Changing Tree Wellness Center has qualified experienced psychotherapists who can conduct your evaluation, with minimal wait time.
Getting Started
If you need a mental health evaluation to complete your court ordered case-plan, our professional staff is available to schedule your appointment.
Call us at:
(863) 261-8900 – Okeechobee
(863) 763-8900 – Kissimmee